Papercraft Research
Yulia Brodskaya's Quilled Paper Illustrations
Paper art is often colourful without direct purpose, I find. There are plenty of works that are colourful in aggressive and uncollected palettes, seemingly for the fact that they can be. It's paper art, after all, and many kinds of workable stiff paper are available in a wide range of prefabricated colours. Brodskaya, however, has vibrant and varied hues that are meticulously placed for the explicit purpose of mimicking painterly use of colour, light and shadow. Her colour choices in this series tend towards pastel palettes, which I am personally a fan of, but her restraint in the selection of colour is admirable in a medium where unrestrained colour choice is seemingly the norm.
Cybele Young's Paper Scultpures
Young's pale, fungal sculptures have such a unique and well crafted design theory, especially in that occasional pop of vibrancy amongst the largely desaturated tones of his pieces. That he can take regular objects, and deconstruct them in ways both so regimented that we can see the same steps performed piece to piece, but so organically that the viewer can believe in the fungal nature of Cybele's sculptures as though they were living organisms - it is fantastic. I enjoy them quite a lot, and the connectedness that their palettes have with their devolved fungal forms are excellent.